Ok, but i genuinely salute them for their passion to do that. And i secretly hope some of them will consider joining cheerleading cuz i can see some potentials among them!
Ala-carte dinner at Peach Gardens Restaurant. PFC booked a private room and we filled up 3 tables. Too bad no KTV only!

Well anyway, this year was my first year to join them in their annual D&D (w/o the dancing part).
Our greedy table, but not as greedy as the tables next to ours. The food never stops coming!

Peach Garden Restaurant serves Chinese crusine. I would say food is pretty decent! If i rmbed correctly its about S$40 over +++ per pax. I think they have some credit card offers, so you might want to check it out.
We ordered 3 soon hocks just for our table. Kekeke!
The WAGs who were present that night are Yours Truly, Veron, Jolene, Jiahui and Minmin. (Kimmy-mimi, Del, Wuinne and Sarah WILL join next yr).

PFC Founder Derrick and PFC meimei Veron!

Ok, now u know why we call Veron meimei. Kekekkeke, she's a size UK4 i think! Or maybe UK2? Daniel is a giant!

BenBen in his new Zepia shirt, and me in my old Topshop black dress i bought during a sale.

We even had an achievement award presentation that night! Kimmy-mimi received the "WAG Award"! Coolness!

Benben received the "Most Improvement" award. Meaning he was lousier last year and this year played slightly better. Muahahahh!

SW received 2 awards i guess? And see all the boys so happy for him!

Jojo sat next to moi that night!

Meimei sat opposite me so i could gawk at her the whole night. Look at our Hello Kitty iphone casing! Mine was from Kimmy-mimi!

Giant Daniel in love with the fried rice. I also like to stand next to him cuz my face just looks so much smaller everytime.

Happy PFC family!

After our sumptuous dinner we hung around in circles again to think of where to chill out.
SW is grabbing my bf with lurve. @.@

BenBen and moi!

Melvin meow meow and Benben!

Yours Truly in the new pair of sky-high heels that was a steal from City Plaza. Only S$16! [Note to self: Bloody hell, never ever wear this pair to club.]

Didi looks grumpy with his award in hand. Haha!

Yours Truly in the new pair of sky-high heels that was a steal from City Plaza. Only S$16! [Note to self: Bloody hell, never ever wear this pair to club.]
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