Sunday, October 3, 2010

PFC Soccer Nite w Banban!

{Photos courtesy from Jojo's powerful camera again!}

Look who is at home tonight?

Banban plays host last Saturday to PFC!

PFC and the WAGs all headed to BenBen's place for a night of soccer, Asahi, chips and Banban's Love!

Mini Asahi Dry is my lurrrrvve!

The living room is packed with manhunt hunks from Premier Football Club, aka PCF! *woohoohooo*

Banban is shocked to see so many men. She has never met such a big group of hunks in her whole doggy life.

The boys are equally excited to see her, they cant stop fondling her.

The Terrorizing Trio.
Very over-whelming.

We are busy entertaining ourselves too.
Had a mini photo session with Banban! She can join us as WAGs too!
Terrorizing Chai is trying to make Banban the Simba from "Lion King" -_-
Banban is scared stiff. Hahahah!

And when the night ended, Banban was exhausted and laid curled up in her bed. Bet she had a great time!

Coolest night with PFC!

Can't wait for DBlo next Saturday! Gonna check the new place out. Cheapest drinksssss, oh yea!

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