Brian, from Will You Marry Me Wedding Planning Services, was my partner that night! Haha, i am glad our chemistry level is there. Lol! I thk he did great!
I've gotta reach at 6.30pm for rehearsals. Thank god for the well written dialogue prepared by Brian. He always have everything worked out nicely prior to every wedding that Will You Marry Me planned.

After the rehearsal, I hurriedly went to change to my evening wear.

I accidentally tore my falsie lash in the ladies! In the end i had to stick on two different lashes. Haha, if you look carefully you'll realise my eyes are of different sizes. Lol!
And i got my pretty diamonte dress from My Scarlet Room. Pretty right! No need to accessorize much myself!

I'm on stage with Brian and the newly-wed are cutting their wedding cake! Haha, close-up.
I left at 10pm, after we hosted the champagne pouring session, which was the last segment. Then i headed off to joined BenBen, Rachel and Edgar at The Central's Subway for some late night dinner/supper.
Initially wanted to head to The Cannery for some drinks but poor BenBen was suffering from very bad flu, so we left early. Hee, but glad we met up even tho it was a short while!

-:Many thanks to Will You Marry Me, Singapore's leading wedding company, committed to provide the best for your wedding.
WYMM specialize from planning, to coordinating and executing every single details to make your wedding a memorable one for you. :-
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