Friday, January 2, 2009

Rachel's Birthday!

Happy Birthday Rachel!

Rachel's BenBen's Shatec classmate, and I only met her once at Pump Room with Vivien and Eleen a very long time ago. Last week was her birthday and she invited us to DBlo for a night of drinks and fun!
Birthday Girl Rachel!
Thanks to Sheena for Vivien's free entry! And of cuz thanks to the Birthday Girl for BenBen's and my free entry! Teeheehee...
Drinks are dirt cheap so drink to ur hearts content everyone! *slurppppzzz*
Viv and I juzt cam-whored half the night away... as usual...

And the rest of the night was history ready... hahah! *...cough... drunk...cough...*

Drunk boys... cute!

Abit gay tho...
SQ boy and the almost-SQ girl-with S-curve...

BenBen and moi!


Happy birthday Rachel!

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